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Evangelism Committee

[The following charter was approved by Bethel's Session in the fall of 2001. The present duties may vary slightly from those that are shown. Bethel is currently undertaking a "visioning" process in order to better discern God's future for our congregation. At the culmination of that process, this charter will be revisited.]


Purpose: To lead Bethel Presbyterian Church in its efforts to fulfill Jesus’ command to be his witnesses “to the end of the earth.” i.e., to tell the Good News of God’s love and power demonstrated in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ so that those who do not profess Jesus as their Savior and Lord will come to do so, and so that those who previously have made such a profession but who presently are without a church home will become an active part of the Body of Christ that is Bethel.
Duties: • Be responsible for initiating, implementing, and evaluating a local evangelism plan

• Coordinate evangelistic efforts with other governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

• Be responsible for education and training in the area of witnessing to the faith by utilizing conferences sponsored by the church (e.g., Montreat) and its seminaries, bringing trainers to Bethel, sponsoring local study groups using denominational materials or other appropriate curricula, etc.

• Organize and implement a program of welcoming and tracking people who visit Bethel and live in the area, nurturing their interest, and inviting them to become members of the congregation

• Organize and implement the observation of Evangelism Sunday each year (usually the last Sunday in September)

• Make sure the church’s presence, its ministry, and its uniqueness are known throughout the community

• Keep the importance of the evangelistic task consistently before the congregation in order to help and encourage members to take advantage of opportunities to be a witness for our Lord and for Bethel whenever and wherever they may occur

• Receive and utilize, as appropriate, information in “Good News”, a quarterly publication of the Evangelism and Church Development Program area of the General Assembly office in Louisville, Kentucky

• Assemble and distribute Prospective member packet

• Work with the Pastor to conduct orientation for prospective members

• Serve with the Mission Outreach Committee as liaison with missionaries directly supported by Bethel

• Oversee the committee’s expenditures against budget and Special Funds expenditures

Personnel: One or Two Elders, Members at Large

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