Bethel Presbyterian Church (USA) - home

Parish Leadership

Rev. Beth McCrary
Senior Pastor



Life At Bethel

Pentecost 2017

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Welcome -- Come on in!

If you're new to our web site, please Look around and get to know us.
If you like what you learn here, please come to visit us some Sunday morning!

 See Announcements 
(updated September 08, 2024)

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News & Events

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earth care

Bethel First Certified As An Earth Care Congregation:
April, 2018

For more information on Earth Care Congregations, click HERE.


Join us as we respond to God's amazing gift of grace -- through faith, fellowship, and service to others.


"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:8)

  Sundays at Bethel  

Worship (Communion - First Sunday)
— 11:00 am —
Youth Sunday School and Adult Christian Education begin at 9:30 am
Childcare for infants and preschool age children is offered from 9:30 am until noon in the nursery
The Quiet Room is available during worship

You can watch our Sunday morning worship service on our Facebook Page or via Facebook Live.

Read Our Latest Bulletin
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The web sites listed below provide helpful information about many aspects of the Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination, as well as all sorts of other interesting stuff!

Clicking on a link title will cause a new window to open.

  • Presbyterian Church (USA)
  • The "master" site for our denomination. Here you'll find a wealth of information covering most everything you might want to know about us.
  • Presbytery of East Tennessee
  • This is the web site for the regional Presbyterian Church (USA) organization that oversees Bethel and all other PC (USA) churches in East Tennessee.
  • Synod of Living Waters
  • The Synod of Living Waters is the multi-state PC (USA) organization that oversees the presbyteries in states of Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee (are we organized, or what?!)
  • The Presbyterian Foundation
  • Invest your money in a way that helps you and helps others.
  • PCUSA Investment Loan Program
  • The Presbyterian Church (USA) Investment & Loan Program provides opportunities to invest in church growth. PILP holds Bethel's morgage from our remodeling, and with enough investments it is possible to get reductions to our mortgage rate.
  • Bethel on the Move
  • Watch a time lapse video of Bethel's most recent move in 2008. Photography by David Doonan; used with permission from Roane County News.

    Bethel Happenings
    – scroll to see all items –
    (updated September 08, 2024)

    It's that time again at Bethel – the opportunity to offer the church your time and talents across our spectrum of activities and needs.

    Please click below to download our Time and Talent signup form. The two page form lists all the volunteer opportunities.

    If you see one or more items in which you are interested, please print out the form and check those items. Print your name, email address, and phone number at the bottom of page 2 and return the form to the church office – someone from the Session Teams will be in touch.

    Thanks in advance for your participation in all that we're doing!!

    Click HERE to download the Time and Talent form.

    The most up to date version of the form will always be available at, under the FORMS tab.  


    If you're new to our area, following are a few things to know about the market:
    • The market was started in 2020 by volunteers from and financial backing (internet and advertising-related costs) by Bethel as a community outreach initiative, with support from the City of Kingston.
    • The market is currently managed by volunteers from Bethel.
    • The market provides a selling platform for local farmers, prepared food vendors, and craftsmen in a wholesome community-centric environment.
    • The market is considered to be a significant part of Bethel's commitment to being an Earth Care congregation (one of the tenets of Earth Care congregations is to integrate care for the earth into their outreach ministries – establishment of the market achieved this by encouraging local farmers/growers to produce crops to sell at the market).
    • This year, the market is open, come rain or shine, every Saturday from 8am - 11am through August 3.
    • If you are interested in learning more about the market, you can visit their website by clicking HERE.


    For the month of September our focus is on Instant Potatoes/Rice & Pasta Sides.

    These and other non-perishable food items can be brought in throughout the month and placed in the yellow collection boxes in the Gathering Area.

    Our in-worship collection will be Sunday, September 15.

    Thank you for supporting our local food pantry efforts to help needy families in our community.  


    Bethel Choir will resume rehearsals on Wednesday, September 6.

    We will rehearse in the choir room from 6:00-7:30 PM each Wednesday evening and we'll be working on weekly anthems as well as music for Fall and Advent.

    All are welcome, no experience necessary.

    Come and help us make a joyful noise to the Lord!


    Flowers in our sanctuary are a way we bring some of the beauty of nature into our place of worship.

    During these months when gardens are full of flowers, the church invites you to share your flowers for sanctuary arrangements.

    Vases of various size and color can be found in the Bell Tower room along with assorted flower arranging supplies.

    Are you interested in sharing flowers for Sunday Worship? Contact the church office at 376-6340 or by clicking/tapping HERE.

    a daily devotional, for
    July, August, & September

    is available on the table in the Gathering Area. Be sure to pick one up today.

    "To nurture the daily practice of prayer and the reading of Scripture, there is solid help in the pages of These Days. The devotions wrestle faithfully with the doubts, joys, and challenges of the Christian life."  


    The church is collecting travel size hygiene items for Shower Ministry Hygiene Kits.

    We are most in need of deodorant, shave cream, lotion, shampoo & conditioner. Full size towels are also needed. Please drop off items on the bench outside the church office.

    Thank you for supporting this community ministry.  


    Windows, Mirrors, glass of all kinds - everyone has them, but are they clean and streak free? They can be if you use Miracle Cloths!

    Get two – one for the car and one for the house. Suggested donation: $6 for 1, $10 for 2.

    Available in the church office.
    All proceeds to the Building Fund.  


    The church has medical equipment available to loan. If you need a walker, cane, bedside commode, toilet riser or bath bench for an upcoming medical procedure check with the church office. We also accept donations of medical equipment.

    Kingston Lakeside Market
    It is exciting to announce the prospect of a farmers market in Kingston in 2020.
    (scroll to the bottom for links to our survey and application forms)

    The idea of a market was initiated by Bethel Presbyterian Church as part of their vision as an Earth Care Congregation. It will be established with the cooperation of the City of Kingston. The proposed site will be in the city parking lot directly behind the church at 203 S. Kentucky Street. The market will be held every Saturday from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM starting next spring. At this point in the process, we are seeking information from customers and potential vendors. To establish this market it will take community support. We cannot have a market without vendors and shoppers. This will be “our” market referring to the residents in and around the Kingston Community.

    Customer Survey

    Vendor Survey

    Artisan Application

    Farmer/Gardener Application